Pet insurance isn't the most interesting topic I've ever talked about but it is important.

Most often I get the question "is pet insurance worth it?"  And I think this is the wrong question.

We most often compare it to our own health insurance.  But there are key differences that mean we have to think about pet insurance in a different way. 

Is it going to save you money?  Maybe, maybe not.  Is it going to protect you and your pet? Hmm, now we're getting closer!

My goal with this episode is to help you decide if pet insurance is right for you.  And if it is, where to go next.

I also go into why I don't have pet insurance right now, but it is something I would think about in the future.   

In this episode I talk about:

Press play and enjoy!

Other resources mentioned and related to this episode:

Pet Insurance University: a wealth of knowledge from a veterinarian about what to look for with pet insurance. A place to compare pet insurance quotes

YOUR New Puppy:  My signature new puppy course that has helped hundreds of new puppy parents raise their puppies.


 Free Potty Training Cheat Sheet and Puppy Schedule