Barking comes in many different forms. This makes how to stop a dog from barking more complicated than we think.  

We can't just ask "how do I stop my dog from barking?" and get an answer because why they are barking plays a significant role in how we stop them.  

Are they barking in the crate?  Are they barking at you?  Are they barking at your neighbor?  Do they only bark when on a leash?  Even if you answered "yes" to more than one, how you address the barking will change depending on the situation.  

In this two-part series, I'm going dive deep into two different types of barking demand barking (part 1) and alert barking (part 2).  

I have some previous episodes that go into some other types of barking.  I've listed those episodes below. 

In this episode I talk about:

  • Why stopping a dog from barking is complicated.
  • The different types of barking.
  • What techniques I don't use.
  • How to address demand barking. 
  • Examples of different scenarios and how to handle them.

Press play and enjoy!

Other resources mentioned and related to this episode:

Episodes to help with barking while crate training:

YNP #005: Crate Training: How (and Why) to Make Their Crate Your Dog’s Best Friend

YNP Special Edition: Q&A Tuesday – Crate Training

YNP #028: 5 Reasons to Use the Crate When You’re Home.

Episode to help with barking because of separation anxiety:

YNP #022: How to Prevent and Treat Separation Anxiety

Episode to help with barking while on a leash:

YNP #047: How to Handle a Reactive Dog on a Leash

Other resources:

YOUR Perfect Puppy: 4-week online training course for you and your new puppy.
